Outdoor T.O.P Portable Blowing Sand & Dust Rig

*SoS has 15 years of knowledge in the design, installation, and maintenance for sand/dust test facilities.
Sand and Dust Testing
Sand and dust environments cause serious damage to the operation of vehicles and turbine engines in the form of abrasion and melted silica glaze coatings on turbine parts. Further information may be found in NASA TM 2008-215161 and USAAVLABS Tech Report 70-36.
T.O.P. Sand and Dust Rig
Introducing our advanced portable testing rig, meticulously designed to meet the T.O.P. 01-2-621 Outdoor Sand and Dust Test standards. With precise control over sand and dust concentration, we ensure accurate distribution analysis directly at the test item. Equipped with a diesel generator and compressed air system, our rig is fully operational anywhere you need it to be. Contact us to discuss how we can design a customizable test rig to meet your unique testing requirements.